Sunday, April 3, 2011

Aleve, you are not fooling anyone

I gotta admit I didn't even have the sound on for this one, but this couple are moving into a new house. And a box full of towels is apparently too heavy for the guy cause his back gets sore. So he opens the box and beneath 1 layer of bubble wrap is a bottle of Aleve just laying on a bed of towels. C'mon who packs their pills that delicately?
Sorry, Aleve, I will be buying the generic version of your product merely because of this stupid commercial.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I Love Sun Country....not

This one is a local radio commercial played on KFAN-1130 AM. What annoys me most is when the guy sings in a real obnoxious voice "I love sun country". Just the mere possibility that I will have to hear that jingle at some point during my flying experience steers me away from this most likely otherwise fine airline.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Na Na Na Napa Know How....ugh

I don't do much auto-parts shopping, but on principle I may have to bypass Napa.
The clerk is bad enough, but then he has a duet with the customer, Plus they are both lip syncing.
I am sure they sell fine goods, but they need a new ad campaign...stat.

The Schwab douchebag in the green shirt

This commercial will forever prevent me from doing business with Chuck Schwab.
He looks like a douche and all the crap about vinyards is very annoying.